3XN Wins Competition to Design Chungnam Art Center in South Korea
The Chungnam Art Center designdraws inspiration from simple formsin the arts and performance fields,such as the wave of a conductor’sbaton or the arc of a dancer’s foot.The critical elements of the design,including the halls, the lobby, andthe fly tower, are clusteredtogether. The scalloped timbercladding around the exterior createsinviting niches for seating andprogram spaces along the lobby’speriphery, which remains open andoffers visual access to the greenspaces and plazas outside.
Situated between Naepo NewTown and the YongbongsanMountains, the art center site isa significant part of a largerpark landscape, including alibrary and art museum. Thebuilding’s orientation aims tomaximize connections with itsurban and naturalsurroundings, offering viewsand welcoming visitors from allangles.